We are happy to announce that registration for CANstruction 2024 is now open! Please view the Call For Entries flyer for more information.

A few important notes for this year:
  • We are limited to 22 structures this year in Brookfield Place. Teams may want to consider creating a joint team with another architectural, engineering or construction firm. This would enhance your structure and strengthen the participation of your new team members.
  • Registrations and Entry Fees are due on August 16th. Other critical dates are listed in the Call for Entries flyer and will be posted on the Canstruction website.
  • Emails regarding Canstruction: All emails should be sent to: email@canstructionny.org. The entire Canstruction Committee receives these emails, so you can be confident you will receive a response from one of us.
Looking forward to another wonderful year of Canstruction!